Photo Practice

I had a really neat idea while watching the plumber dig up my flower bed a few weeks ago.  Last year’s chive flowers had dried in their beds to a beautiful, skeletal shape.  I gathered them together into a beautiful bundle that was more difficult to photograph than I expected.  It’s the sort of thing I could see fitting into a beautifully decorated house.  That, by the way, does not describe my house, so I am at a bit of a loss for what to do with it… 🙂

As a result of my difficulty in photographing the flowers, I’ve been practicing my digital photography.  I used to be a reasonably good photographer (took some photojournalism classes in college, wondering if I should change my major).  And back then all I had was a Cannon A1, film SLR.  Really solid camera.  It’s still around somewhere.  Now I have a Fugifilm digital.  It’s not SLR.  I can’t afford that, but it does allow control of the F-stop and exposure etc.  I have to confess that I’ve been very lazy.  Until my mother got really interested in food photos and started asking me questions about how the camera really worked.  So this week I took the opportunity presented by some really nice weather, and the budding of my apple tree(!) to take some test photos.  These are taken with the macro, with increasing f-stop (keeping the exposure balanced to give enough light).

And here is my little garden helper.

Some more of my photo experiments:

Black cats are so difficult to get good pictures of. This is probably the first one I’ve gotten of him in the 13 years he’s been living with me.