And Now For Something Completely Different…

So, I’m not kidding about the name of my blog.  When it comes to crafting, I have the attention span of a dog when a squirrel runs by.  I was thinking about that the other day as my basket making obsession had been replaced with a fever to make lamp shades.  More about that later.  This got me thinking that it would be cool to have an animation of a squirrel dash across the top of my blog.  Hence me spending yesterday learning to draw and animate in Adobe Flash.  The animation is not working as the tutorials seem to suggest that it should.  I don’t know if this is user error, or if I have my character set up differently.  I guess I need to go back a step and see how they are creating their figures.  Still, this guy is kinda cute for a 10 minute work up.  (Yeah, 10 minutes to draw the figure, 6 hours trying to get it to animate.)  Sigh.  Thanks to Preston Blair for the guidelines on drawing the squirrel.

One thought on “And Now For Something Completely Different…

  1. I LOVE your site name. I laughed out loud when I saw it. The squirrel is a splendid idea. It’s good to know I’m not the only one who will lose hours on a project til it feels right.

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