My name is Julie. I live in Central North Carolina with my husband, my two kids, and my two dogs. I have a passion for creating. If I can end the day with a product that I can point to and say, “I did that.” it is a good day.
I have a master’s degree in Marine Science and worked as a geneticist in a aquaculture pathology lab for five years before going into teaching. Now I develop lab kits for college students doing distance learning, and I craft… compulsively, and with a short attention span, hence the name of the blog.
My current hobbies include, but are not limited to: spinning, knitting, crocheting, tatting, netting, felting, wire weaving, 3D graphics, digital graphics, photography, cooking, baking, brewing (mead), cheese making, beading, silk painting, gardening, basketry, and dyeing. I’m sure I’ll think of a few more as soon as I post this.
I hope that you enjoy your trip around my blog.