Capstone Planning: Locomotion Research

For my capstone project I wanted to create an immersive experience and experiment with Unity’s terrain building features. One of my major complaints with VR experiences is the teleport mechanic which, unless there is a good in-game reason for it, breaks immersion. There are three potential solutions for this: Operate at room scale. This solutionContinue reading “Capstone Planning: Locomotion Research”

VR in the Education Industry

I recently completed the second course in Udacity’s Virtual Reality Developer nanodegree program.  Our final project was to create a gallery-style environment where viewers could learn about the potential impacts of VR/AR on an industry or company. Since I work in higher education, I chose to focus on that.  Full versions of the videos linked inContinue reading “VR in the Education Industry”

Creating a VR app

Development of the Puzzler VR app Puzzler is a Virtual Reality minigame, produced for mobile devices using the Unity engine, and meant to introduce users to the fundamentals of a VR experience using a simple “Simon Says”-style game. Process Set Outcomes When users have played through this minigame they should feel comfortable using the gazeContinue reading “Creating a VR app”