Features and Dependencies:
3D Models + Assets
- Landscape models
- Vegetation- I would like to create a beautiful scene with grass and trees and atmospheric effects, but I am not sure how much I can push the envelope an maintain a good frame rate.
- Water effects
- Pastoral village
- Skybox
- Thematic Music
- Environmental Sounds
- Animals
- Day/Night cycle with blended skybox
Game Loop
- Walk in place algorithm
- Calibration phase to set step sensitivity
- Purchase mechanic
- Flocking algorithm
- Navigation mesh
Planned Achievements
- Scale achievement: Trees, rocks and buildings appropriately scaled (100)
- Animation achievement: Create animation for bird in bird flocks (100)
- Lighting achievement: Use a mix of baked and real-time lighting (100)
- Locomotion achievement: Develop walk in place mechanic (100)
- Physics achievement: Water effects utilize physics, maybe throwing stick for a dog? (100)
- Gamification achievement: Player purchases environment enhancements using steps (250)
- AI achievement: Birds will flock when scared out of tree. (250)
- 3D Modeling achievement: Create low poly bird model (250)
- User Testing achievement: (250)x2